Well I thought that this year I should at least pretend I am a grown up and set myself some goals for the year. I am usually a go with the flow girl but I think I may have been treading water for a while now. So here goes...

OK, this one needs to be taken to heart as I am brilliant at talking myself out of things. I am in the process of setting up a small online boutique, but I am dragging my heels and talking myself out of it all the time. Right, now I have said it, I am going to do it, I have nothing to loose. I should just "suck it and see" as the Captain always says.
This one is embarrassing for me but I trust you lot. I want to leave the house in daylight at least four times a week. I know what? Right! But I could very easily be a hermit and am trending that way this winter, so no more. I will get up and out to enjoy this beautiful Island and weather, even if it's just to take Poppy for a stroll.

Give some more love to the blog. Grow it, organise it a little more and have a few spare posts up my sleeve. I think I found my groove last year, but turning 40 has made me question myself too much recently. So maybe not a "fashion blog" more of a "style blog" and most definitely time to re find my style.
I want to take more photos, better photos and use them for the blog. I am currently saving up for a bigger and better camera, my point and shoot has been great but I need more now. I am looking forward to learning some new skills.

I want to have fun with my clothes again. I used to dress up all the time for no reason and play with accessories, then the word "practical" entered my wardrobe. Well sailing will do that to a girl, but no more. I am going to go through my wardrobe and try it ALL on, then if it does nothing for me and I can not alter it, it goes. I will be ruthless! I will also turn all the hanger around so I can see what I actually do wear (probably about 3 things). I will still have to be sensible (ish) in the shoe department, as we walk everywhere and these hills can be tricky with all that slippery, worn smooth old stone and cobbles, but they will still be pretty and make my heart glad.

Health and fitness, it is always on these list and I am no different. I want to get back to my exercises and learn to enjoy them. I would also like to start some type of yoga as well, before I can no longer touch my toes. Hehe.
Food wise we are not too bad but a shake up and trying some new things never hurt anyone, so that's the aim for this year.
Well, that was harder than it should have been, I got a bit deep at one point and had to reign myself back in. This is suppose to be a fun and good thing, so that's what I have tried to do. I am sure I am not setting the world alight with any of this, but lets re visit in six months time and maybe set some more goals if I have got all these down.
Is this something you do? Do you have much success? I know mine are a bit wishy washy but I think I may be able to accomplish them if they are slightly open. Well that is it from me today, I shall see you all again soon. Have a great week my darling. ax