As you may remember, last year, I dabbled my hand in the first top I made for myself. I made it so I had something to wear to Parade Day that was unique and fun!
I continued that tradition by making a little number for the parade this year.
I wanted to create the entire outfit (pants included), but it was a little over ambitious in the time I had, so I just went for the top.

I created this with similar ideas of what I made last year in mind. The execution wasn't ideal the last time around, but I still liked the design aspects.
The original design for this garment included a circle-weaving button idea, but I've done that before.. so I drew on my interest in structure and straight geometry and went more zigzag. I had to add a collar, because I knew I'd be cold throughout the day.. and because I love them.
Anyway, I'm happy with it! There was a little issue with the collar being to high up and it not folding right, but I made it work.
This is by far, the most well-made thing I've crafted, and I'm pretty proud of it! It's a great fit.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from the day, and none of my friends have posted them on facebook, so I just took this one now! (Apologies for looking a mess!)

I'm designing something new now.. And since I'm on spring break, I intend to finish it soon! (Yes, I'm getting more and more into menswear.)