Hello my darlings, happy Monday. I need your help in making a decision about what to do with my hair. I have just been and had my layers put in and a tidy up but it is all a bit blah, I need a refresh. I am thinking to bob/lob (long bob) it, I can't go too short as the jaw line is not what it once was, so it needs to go below the jaw. I would love a pixie cut but those days are over, so I think this may work. Here are my choices...

These styles are shorter and would suit my hair type, I have tried to be practical for once and my fringe has grown out enough to make these work, but do I want to go this short, would it suit me?

These style are on the longer side, shoulder length and I like the choice of centre or side parting. Plus I could still tie it back for lazy days. The downside could be that it just looks like a grown out bob. I feel the straight bottom would bring my look a bit more up to date.
So yes or no girls? Bob or lob? I may need to hurry this decision up as I am itching to grab the scissors and get the Captain to do it for me, this has been know to happen before and he is a dab hand at hair colouring now..hehe. I guess I am just one of those girls that just has never grown out of diy home hair, not all the results have been bad......