Afternoon all, I am currently lying on the couch stiff as a board from my exercises yesterday. At least I know I am working the right muscles as I am aching all over, I am hoping this gets easier soon. I am putting this time to good use and have found two looks that I am dying to try.
I love an open back and often wear jumpers and t's back to front but this is oh so special. Sparkles in a deep bronze, so chic and perfect for the "to early to name but will be with us all to soon holiday" (Christmas). Now I have a few sparkles in my winter wardrobe that needs to be got out of storage and I am hoping they will work in this new way. What do you think, do you like an open back?
This is a look that I have pinned recently and I love the clean lines and mod note. Then on my ramblings around the web I came across the lovely blog note to self who had found all the pieces to make the look your own, if you want to try it yourself click on over to Sarah's blog to get all her shopping details. I have most of these pieces already and an old leather skirt that may need a refashion but will work. Don't you just love it when that happens, a real "shop your closet" moment.
I hope your weeks are going well and I will see you tomorrow for WIWW. Have a fun a day all. ax
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