These are my two favourite looks form all those stylish ladies roaming around at fashion week. Simple, stylish dresses in stand out colours with just the right accessories.

This amazing dress is...Zara! I have just been down and tried it on, and whilst I loved it and could do the colour, that fabric is soooo thick, like foam, which is great at holding it's shape but not so good on us girls that run at a higher temperature, I would have boiled to death. Shame...Damn you hormones.

Giovanna looks stunning in this simple shirt dress, what a knock out colour. I want this in my wardrobe now please.
Have you had any favourite looks from the streets at the fashion weeks that you are dying to try?
I hope your weeks have got off to a good start and I have got the Capitan to take some photos this week, so you can see what I have been wearing.
Happy Monday my lovelies. ax
Images : 1,2, 3, 4