While tootling around the web last week I came across these gorgeous images by Bruno Barbazan. The pretty white dresses, flowing hair and tanned limbs spoke very loudly to me, come summer I only wear white and neutrals although I will be trying some colour this year. The weather is all over the place here, sunny and warm one day, rain, rain and more rain the next but I don't care anymore. I will be dusting off the fake tan and getting some limbs outs and leaving winter behind.

This outfit is wonderful, simple and oh so stylish. I will need to find a new mini as all my mini's were thrown out after starting the yachting life with the captain, clambering around boats is not done well in skirts and shorts began to take over my life.

Love, love this classy look. I may look more Mrs Mop in a headscarf but I am willing to try again if this is the result.

I have quiet a few light dresses but there is always room for more, if I can find some nice fabric I think I will make this years little numbers.
So are you going to start dressing for the weather you want rather than the weather you have or is this a very British trait? If we Brits didn't do this I am sure we would spend all year is wellies and macs, although I am lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean and we do get summer, yippee.
I am still sewing and will take some photos of Margo (my dress form) wearing my bits as I am still home alone and my photos of me are bad.
I hope your weeks are starting off well, happy Monday friends. ax
all images Bruno Barbazan