I am really not a winter person, I get excited over snuggling up, hot showers and wearing clothes with comfort. Then after a week or two tops, I am over it. To this end I am skipping winter and heading straight for spring. I have been looking at the spring collections and even looking at the pre fall 11 collections (I know autumn clothing for next year already!) and picking the shapes and coloures that speak to me. Then I head on over to Etsy to find vintage patterns that would work. Here is what I have found so far.

I am loving the Louis Vitton (ss11) green silk skirt and the Oscar de la Renta (pre fall 11) sea green skirt, both have bow ties either for show or as a fastening. I am so not going to be able to buy these beauties but I may be able to make them. I have found a few different vintage patterns that I think would work with the odd tweek.

The first pattern is a wrap and I am currently have a small love affair with wraps and they will definitely make it into my spring wardrobe. The green skirt is a great vintage wrap and can be found in many colours, but I do hate that 70's nylon. The third pattern is for a gently gathered skirt or dress which I think would look wonderful with a large bow sash. The last pattern is for a whole wardrobe and I know a few of these style would solve and cover many dressing problems.

Mui Mui (ss11) and Diane Von Furstonburge (pre fall 11) both have a very strong 70's feel still with clean long lines and inverted pleat skirts. I love this look being a child of the 70's and have fond memorys of my mum wearing these and looking young and cool. (of course she does still look young and cool).

There are so many patterns that would work and I am loving the sweet boat neck dress with bow detail, so cute and sexy.

I am very happy to see that high waist trousers of various widths are still around. This is one of my all time favourite looks that can make even my legs look long with the right shoe. The above looks are from Pucci, Salvatore Ferragamo and Oliva P. is wearing Mango, so budgets for all of us. I have found some great patterns but am a little scared of making trousers so I may leave those for a while longer.

Oh I am such a fan of vintage patterns, the front illustrations alone make me smile, my mum had hair just like the women on the Simplicity pattern. Plus I do love a navy and white combo.
All these patterns are available at Etsy the number of patterns has grown by the thousands since I first started looking. Remember the sizing is very different from today I am the smallest in the shops at the moment but need size 16 on vintage patterns. I also have found a great book that talks you through use, sizing changes and making your own patterns, its written clearly with lots of photos and you can find it here from Amazon.
I have recently found a great blog that anyone who sews can post their latest projects on to, I find it interesting to see what people are making and they have some great tips. If you fancy taking a look you can find them here at Sew Retro.
Do any of you sew or thinking about learning? I am a beginner and find the sewing fine the cutting out on the other hand can get me very grumpy with lots of cigarette breaks, but its is all worth it when you have the finished garment. I will take some pictures of some of my old projects to share and maybe inspire you to have a go.
I hope your all having a good week and not feeling the Christmas stress to much, relax it will all be amazing.