Hello, sorry I have been a bit MIA lately. I don't do to well in the winter months and am feeling a bit flat and uninspired. I have decided to have a little break over the holidays and come back full of the joys of spring in the new year. I think it's time I went back to pen and paper and figured a few things out and made some plans for new and fun things come January.

So try not to eat too much over the holidays and end up feeling like this. (So very hard I know)

May you twist up a storm on the dance floor, oh don't you just love the twist.

Plan some new adventures for 2011.

Find some words to live by.

May you feel inspired everyday.

May you live life in full colour.

See the new year in with style.

Remember, you only have one.
Wishing you all very Happy Holidays and a dream filled New Year.
Images: weheartit.com, gettyimages.com, etsy, style redux, aliedwards.com