OK, so I may have just turned 39 but I am going crazy over a doll! Yes a doll! I may well be late to this party as she has already modelled for Target whilst wearing McQueen no less. Plus shes nearly as old as me, so not a baby doll. Born in 1972 she was pulled from the market after about a year as she scared the little girls. By pulling a string in the back of her head her eyes change colour and position, not that scary but one eye colour is pink. She has made a spectacular come back after Gina Goran a big doll collector used her to test a new camera with amazing results.

You can now buy her again, although she is not cheap. This time around you can buy wigs, clothes, shoes, glasses, you name it Blythe has it. I am not sure if an am completely losing it, but I would be so happy to see this frivolous and fun doll in my Christmas stocking.
What about you guys, creepy or wonderful?
Images: This is Blythe