Whilst reading one of my favourite blogs recently I came across something wonderful on Sterling Style; STYLIT a daily fashion planner. Following the links back I traced the origins to Beth at B Jones Style, a very stylish girl who has designed and produced the Stylit. So what is it, and why do you need it?

Well its a rather stylish daily planner for your wardrobe.

With pages for your inspiration clippings for each season. I may love the electronic versions on Pinterest and Polyvore, but I will always prefer paper goods and cutting and sticking.

The imaginative tool of the underwear clad STYLIT girl for note taking of even designing and drawing in your own pieces.
There are also pages to imagine a new look whilst travelling and plan your daily outfits. OK, so we may not need it for everyday, but to map out your look and inspiration ideas for the coming seasons it is a nice way to see where your thoughts and ideas are leading. There is a video on how to use it on YouTube and you can buy them at Beth's Shop on Etsy. I know that I am going to put one of these on my Christmas list. Even if its not for you, I am sure you know a young budding fashionista in the family who would make great use of this. Maybe I should move it to my Birthday list as that is coming up soon. Husband I have an idea ...
Images all from bjonesstyle and her Etsy Store.