Hello all, well the new dream camera arrived and it is LOVE. How cool does she look in her navy leather case. If you are on the look out for a new camera case I would recommend Kaza Deluxe, great product, well made with the best price I have found for handmade leather cases. Easy speedy service from Hong Kong too. This is not sponsored, I just think they are great.

Only problem is you have to use the old camera to take pictures of the new camera...Haha.
The BYW course is going well and I am trying to update my blog photo, this is what I have managed so far with the timer (lots of running around). I have finally ordered a remote and am looking forward to playing with that, so we should have some outfit posts soon, yippee.

I quite like this picture, even out of focus and over exposed. Quiet arty with a little help from Be Funky a free online editing site. I still favour Picmonkey for most edits but they have some fun arty edits on Be Funky which are always fun to play around with.

I had given up looking at the camera and trying to smile by this point, not sure I am a big fan of my side profile. I must look in the mirror more to see what my face does, I have no clue.

I also love this oil paint effect again on Be Funky. It just shows that pictures that don't come out perfectly can be amazing with an over the top edit effect.
None of these are correct for my blog photo, so I will give it another go with the remote, but I thought I'd share and maybe you will be inspired to get extra creative with some not so perfect photos.
I hope your weeks are going well, the heat has arrived here big time, so lots of cooling drinks and the paddling pool may have come out soon. Hehe. ax
Images - Me!