Ageing it is a fact of life and best confronted with grace and style, well that's what I am trying to do. Some days are easier than others, as is life, so I thought I would start a new board on my pinterest to inspire those days. I came across "100 ways to age with grace, elegance and joie de vivre" which is such a good list that I just had to share it with you. The list is from Live The Charmed Life a new site to me and one I plan to explore more.

My favourite one - 32. Assign each laugh line and wrinkle a happy moment in your life that may have put it there. Remember the moment rather than the wrinkle.
What a great outlook on life for any age. And heres to less photoshop and airbrushing as the beautiful Cate shows us how to do it right. It is so nice to see a pore on a face, makes me feel a whole lot better.
So that's my plan ladies, what's your view on ageing, I would love to hear?
Have a wonderful and stylish weekend friends. ax
Images My Pinterest