It's Jubilee time again in the UK this weekend and I for one am a little sad not to be there. I remember the Silver Jubilee in 1977, we had street parties and a big party at school on a wonderful sunny day. The queen gave us all ice cream and a commemorative coin. I wore my party dress which was also my bridesmaids dress, (you really dressed up for a party in those days hehe) and I still have a found place in my heart for Swiss Roll (ice cream wrapped in jam and sponge, delicious).

Street parties 1977 style.

London ready for all the celebrations.
Hopefully the weather will hold out but it is England, so I am sure they are prepared. This Diamond Jubilee celebrates 60 years on the throne and that is well worth a party or two.

There are tea parties popping up all over the land and more bunting than ever. I love any event in which bunting is involved, I must make some for home, just because.
So I hope you all have an amazing weekend with whatever you have planned and I will raise a nice cup of tea to you all.
Long live the Queen! ax