Hello my darlings, well I am back in the world of the living although still not feeling fabulous. I have been tiding up the blog a bit and you may notice that I have taken the Google Followers gadget away. They are planning on getting rid of it in a few months so I thought I would get ahead of them. You can read the full article here. I am not sure if those blogs I follow will disappear from my reader, so I am making plans. You can follow me in any way you choose and all the link buttons are there on the side as I would hate to loose you all. I am also finally getting round to updating my blog list as it is woefully out of date and not very pretty, so bare with me as it may take some time.
I shall be spending a few more days in my pj's and drinking hot tea but I will be back on Wednesday for WIWW with my New Years Eve outfit.
See you soon my lovelies. ax
The perfect image above by Inslee