Hello all I am back for another week. I did have two fabulous outfits but the pics were no good on the first look, so you will have to wait until it has been though the wash...Hehe the fun we have. Linking up as always with The Pleated Poppy and all my lovely friends over there.

I had been wondering what I could wear with my favourite mustard pants so I was happy with the denim shirt as I think it made the look more casual. Dress pants can be tricky, and you can end up looking like your in the office, but I think I nailed it. Plus I get to wear my new birthday shoes which is always good and I love them!
Shirt - Emerson Made
Pants - Dorothy Perkins
Cardigan - Vintage
Shoes - Cuple
Bag - Vintage
What do you think girls, is this look day or night, I can't make up my mind?
On another note, I can no longer make paper snowflakes, they were rubbish and square! I know! So I am going to try some paper doilys, I'll let you know how I get on. See this post if you have no idea what I am going on about...hehe. I hope your Christmas decorations and plans are going better than mine, take care all. axx