Afternoon my lovelies, well I have finished the clear out and the house is looking good and I seem to have my mojo back.
It has been raining here since Friday and we have even had the heating on for a few hours, so winter has finally arrived for us. I have dug out all my winter clothes and am ready for anything but found I was lacking in the winter footwear dept after the death of my ankle boots. I have been scouring the internet and found these babies, which are now on their way to me.

Perfect stompers for roaming around town and they will work well with skinnys and flares. My only problem is that they may be too flat for all those wide leg jeans that need a heel and I didn't want to have to buy another pair. Whilst roaming pinterest and ankle boots, I came across a DIY by Lions, Tigers & Fashion Oh My that would solve all my problem. I had a pair of long boots that I was not totally happy with and were too bulky to wear under jeans, so I thought "why not". Here are the results (and only one blister burn form the hot glue gun).

Pretty good huh, and only three easy steps...

Step 1. Cut the pull tabs off to add at the end for a nice finish.
Step 2. Cut the boots down to a more manageable length, then use the original top to mark a cutting line (I used a pencil). Cut.
Step 3. Using a hot glue gun I attached the pull tabs back on to finish, but I am sure super glue would work if you don't have a glue gun.
All done, easy huh? My boots had a foam lining that I just cut, then glued down about a cm below the top for a neat finish.
I am so happy with them and they cost me nothing, brilliant! If you don't have a pair of boots already a second hand pair picked up for cheap are a great alternative, lions, tigers and fashion oh my did just that, and dyed them as well and all for the sum of $9. Love it.
Well I am off to tidy up all my mess now teehee. Happy Monday all. x