I have been feeling a little off lately, I thought it may have been the big birthday looming or just the change of seasons. Taking a look around the house today I think I know what may help. You know when you suddenly look around and the whole house is just full of stuff, nowhere is calm and relaxing? Well that is what we have here now, so I am on a big clear out kick and I am going to reorganise the house. I always feel better when things are organised, it clears my mind and lets me move forward. So I will be absent from the blog until Monday when I have chased the last dust bunny down, given myself and the Capitan a work space, and made a relaxing lounge and bedroom to just relax in. Well that is my plan....

I am half way through the pulling out and it IS breeding, the house looks worse than when I started! Don't you just hate that? Well the sleeves are rolled up and I am going back in, see you all next week.
Top image from top-8-ways-to-clear-clutter