I think my favorite class this semester is Fashion Figure Drawing...
We just finished our midterms, so I thought it'd be fun to post my progress throughout the semester so far. From my first drawing to where I'm at now is really cool to see.. And I LOVE sketching now!

Assignment : Practice sketching the "fashion figure" form with a magazine picture
Medium - Pencil

Assignment : Sketch 3 fashion figures in 3 different front views
Medium - Micron

Assignment : Sketch 3 models from magazine clippings in different views, use color
Media - Micron, Colored Pencils

Assignment : Sketch a signature fashion face
Media - Micron, Colored Pencil

Assignment : Sketch 3 models in different views, emphasis on layout
Media - Micron, Colored Pencil, Water Colored Pencil

Assignment : In-Class Live Model Sketch Session
Media - Micron, Colored Pencil, Marker

Assignment : Render fabrics on a fashion figure
Media : Micron, Colored Pencil, Marker, China Marker

Assignment : Pick from a hat 4 different garment details and design 2 figures wearing them
Media - Micron, Colored Pencil, Marker

Midterm Assignment 1 : Copy a master of fashion illustration, my choice, David Downton
Medium - Water Color

Midterm Assignment 2 : Using what you learned from above, design a 4 figure composition using swatches of real fabric to render
Media - Micron, Colored Pencil, Marker, Water Color, China Marker
I loved the midterm! I've never used watercolors before, so it was nice to try them.. And I took from Downton's aesthetic of light, grayed figures with popping clothes. Very pleased with it!
This is a good post, if only for me to look back at my progress.. Keep on designing!