The Lesbian Lion

This weekend I will be…

I got a call last night from the Captain, and he is coming home for the weekend! Much dancing around the house was in order after that for Poppy and I, we so love a good surprise.

Now I am running around the house like a mad woman doing all the housework, that it has been to hot to bother with...hehe It is still very hot so I am not aiming for perfection as he is coming to see us in the end not the house, but what to wear? Last time he got back early and I still had my rollers in, not the look I was aiming for, so clean and cool is what I am going for today.

OK deep breaths, it is all going to be lovely, but really butterflies still, after nearly ten years...Hehe I am so excited, right enough chit chat ladies things to do.

Have a wonderful sunny weekend my friends, see you all next week. axx

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