♥ Saturday's Club is a lovely idea thought up by Sarah over at A Beach Cottage, this weeks challenge was to go out for coffee, a read of the papers and a bit of people watching. Not a difficulty at all...

A bit of a stroll around town first, I am still not sure about the giant stone birds, but they are also slides which are always fun.

Us posing with some Cathedral views. (At least his hair is growing after my dodgy home haircut).

Poppy pondering life down at the public marina.

The cafe con leche was drunk by the captain and I cleaned the terrace in my lovely pink wellies, yes wellies do make the day better.
I was suppose to wear ruffles on my mission but with my boobs that was never going to happen. I wonder what will be next weeks mission and will you join in?
Follow all the fun over at A Beach Cottage today is home made/mixed washing powder and it looks wonderful...
Happy Monday my friends. ax