The Lesbian Lion

Project #13: Experimentation Dress #1

So, for lucky project #13, I decided to break tradition a bit. I had no design in mind and just wanted to play around with fabric. I used taffeta, because it was cheap, I have a ton lying around, and I wanted to use something like it for upcoming Project #14 (but that mess will have it's own post..)

Okay, so.. I really just wanted to play around with lines, folds, pleats, and shape.

*I don't have a picture of the back because I didn't add the zipper yet (need to go to the store tomorrow), and it was not looking good*

So yeah.. It's not the prettiest thing I've ever seen, but it was good practice for me. Especially because I'm going to be using folds much more in the future.. Especially for a project I have lined up soon! I like the back as well, and I'll have to post the picture of that tomorrow once I sew in the zipper.

I love the ghetto iridescence of taffeta too! And it was good that I spotted its tackiness in the window of a store! Haaa.

I think it has an interesting shape and could almost work for someone bold enough to try it! Hey, for $2.00 to make it, it's worth the practice value!