Let me give you a little history of this dress. When applying to my fashion school, I needed a picture portfolio of 12 different sketches and/or photos of completed garments. I did panic a bit at that point, knowing that I was VERY much in the beginning stages of chasing my dream and not at all prepared.

This is one of the sketches that I did include, and always one that I enjoyed. Ultimately, the bottom of the garment is supposed to be made of little flowers of fabric, but I don't have the time to do all of that, so I'm downsizing a bit and creating little flowers as a sort of belt for the dress.
It's quite timely that I'm coming back to this garment now, because, about a year ago was when I realized that I wanted to change my life and go for fashion design.
I can't believe it has already been a year. It makes me proud of how far I've come, as well as nervous that my education is about to begin (School starts Monday!)
No matter how nervous I may be, I know this was the right choice. The thought of all of this makes me extremely happy and grateful.. And my excitement grows with every well created, designed, and finished garment. Anyway, just rambling due to reminiscing!
I am trying to create something well made and beautiful with this dress, considering my sister may wear it at her wedding rehearsal dinner (her wedding theme is sunflowers, as well as was my inspiration for this dress.. Fitting!)
I've hand sewn some of my garments before, but this is the first time I'm creating hand sewn pieces (flowers) and attaching them to the dress. I've started making a few.. They may take a while, but I'd like this finished by tomorrow!