No wayy.. Did I really finally finish this dress? Yes, I did! And man, has a lot of work gone into this one. This has definitely been the most time consuming dress, but I personally think it paid off. I think it's quite faab.

Well, there she is. I guess this would be considered couture because there was definitely some hand stitching all up in it. I still have a bit of work to do, but very minor and wouldn't affect these pictures.
I also just found out that this weekend, I'll probably doing a fitting with Erica, and she may be wearing it to her gallery opening after all! I'll keep you updated.. because this might be small.. Especially in the midsection.
These pictures make it look a lot more shiny than it is.. I hope it fits only for people to see it in person.. It's much more beautiful.
I definitely took a risk with all of the swirls, but I think it came out just as I pictured it in my mind.
It's funny that this is one of my more expensive garments to make but still only about $8.50 or less. A lot of time went into this one.. Gosh, I'd say total.. Definitely between 10-12 hours. Possibly more.. And after fittings and readjusting.. Much more, haha. But hey! This is like my first real project! So excited! But, Erica, if you hate it at the fitting, don't feel obligated! Hahah. If I was to make another one, I would definitely charge a bit more for it. Possibly $60-70? It's quite time consuming.
The main fabric was kind of annoying to work with. It's very delicate, and it kept fringing on me.
So.. I did this in parts. I started with the top section, which I did much like the polka dot dress. I cut out the top frame, sewed it up, then added the back panels and front. Then I made a generic bottom skirt, sewed it to the top part, and added the zipper to fit it all together. Then I added the swirl affect down the bottom portion. I did this by stuffing extra taffeta into the black fabric, and sewing along the bottom so it still had a 3D affect. That was time consuming. Then I added the gray-ish, copper-ish, blue-ish taffeta belt which I love because it breaks up all of the black and white circles, but still matches. Finally, I added a piece of fabric along the back to try to cover the zipper.
I mean, all in all, it's probably not the most clean or perfect construction, but for my 10th project ever? I'd say it's pretty nice and I'm way into it.
Pair this with blue heels.. Come onn.. Could be pretty sweeeet!
I did wear my cardigan out on Saturday, but so far I don't have any pictures.. I didn't bring a camera, but did take pictures with people.. I'll see if any of them allow you to see it.
I'll keep you updated on all of what happens with this dress, but either way, I'd say it's probably my new favorite!
I'll probably be updating later today too with a new project since I'm a little behind this week! I have the fabric I want with no design.. Another one of those.. I'll make it work!