Wow, Wednesdays sure do come around quick these days. Last week was my first WIWW and thank you all for your kind comments and new friends that were made. I am linking up again with everyone from The Pleated Poppy. A very good result for posting some embarrassing photos of myself. This week has been a bit slow on the outfit front as I have been a bit unwell so pjs for me. Anyway all this getting dressed everyday in different clothes sure does increase the laundry pile.

Just off to the shops for dinner supplies and quick walk around the ramparts for the dog.
This is my Annie Hall/Lauren Hutton look...
Cord Jacket with elbow patches - Zara
Another stripy top - Brought in St Tropez
Trousers - Rescued out of my rag bag, very old H&M
Belt - Primark
Shoes - 70% off in the sale last year local shop.
Bag - Old but well loved Gucci
Dog - My own little Poppy

Now I like these shoes as I am not a trainer girl in anyway, but having worn them out a few times I do get lots of laughs and references to Michael Jackson! I think they are more like those great American saddle shoes, a classic. What do you think?

The navy blue girl again, I think I may have a little too much navy in my wardrobe. Off to buy the Sunday papers and some new magazines for me.
Brolly - H&M
Shirt - Very old Massimo Dutti
Cardie - Zara
Skinny Jeans - Topshop (my sister made me buy them)
Boots - 50% off in sale last year, local shop
Bag - Gucci
Poppy again, she loves having her photo taken.
Having had a small wardrobe sort out I have found so much navy blue and stripes, hehe still the sailor girl in my style. I only have a few pieces of black so navy is my go to colour as I believe wearing all one colour makes me look taller and when you stand 5ft tall it all helps. I do own some colour and that is my aim for next week.